12 interesting ways you can boost your January sales

1. ITS URGENT - When customer's feel there may be a chance that they won't have the option of buying something later on, it usually urges them to buy it more immediately. A prime example of this can be found on online stores with messages such as "Hurry! Only 3 left in stock" highlighted next to an item. Display urgent signage in store, have 'last chance to buy',  'limited time only' and 'last of the season sale' racks, anything that will make shoppers think they have limited time to buy or save money.

2. Smells - A study by Washington State University found that to get people in a shopping state of mind you need the right smells. They tested over 400 shoppers with two test groups. Test group one had a pure orange scent while test group two had a blend of green tea, basil and orange. Those in test group one spent 20% more than group two where shoppers had a blend of smells. This is because the pure orange scent didn't confuse shoppers when they were trying to focus on the task of shopping.

3. Embrace the jumble sale - Sometimes shoppers get more attached to items because they have spent time searching for them. When they feel like they have personally 'found' items by digging through sales racks and shelves, they place more value on them and are more likely to buy.

4. Suggest, suggest, suggest - By putting forward ideas or thoughts for your customers to consider you can persuade them to buy. In January, shoppers may feel guilty about purchasing an item, you could counteract that by having signs on the wall which say "You deserve it", "A late Christmas present to you" or "Cheer yourself up this January with...."

5. If your store is high-end, your staff don't have to be overly polite - Have you ever been into a luxury store and found that the staff are slightly snobby? Well there could be a reason why, thanks to the study "Should the Devil Sell Prada? Retail Rejection Increases Aspiring Consumers’ Desire for the Brand". The research found that when staff in high-end stores are slightly more rude and cold, it has the similar effect as a popular 'in-group' at school. This in turn gave shoppers a strong desire to purchase items from high-end stores because they wanted to be associated with these brands and belong to their 'in-group'.

6. Put hot selling items by the entrance - This tip is pretty obvious, if you put items that you know customers are likely to buy by the door, then you entice them in to look around. Once they are in, you can then tempt them with other items which you have to offer in store.

7. Your sales staff are your best asset - Your customers have been browsing online all over the Christmas holidays. When they actually come into your store they are looking for additional information to help them make the right decision. Make sure that your staff have access to information, arm them with tools like Oplift Engage so they have everything they need right at their fingertips.

8. Fold your clothes - When clothes are folded on tables in stores it makes customers more likely to touch them. If a customer likes the feel of an item of clothing then they become more emotionally attached and are more likely to buy it. (Psychology today 2017)

9. Left-digit effect - In the Journal of Consumer Research a study called "The Left Digit Effect" found that the left digit affects our perception of the price of something, even if there is only a penny difference. This is the reason why many retailers will state £8.99 as opposed to £9, so why not try it out for yourself this January.

10. Price anchoring - This is about the first price in a consumers mind acting as an anchor which then affects their perception of other prices. For example you might look at two different coats one might cost £90 and the other may cost £200 because it is a slightly darker shade. Because of this, you are likely to buy the £90 coat because you feel it is good value when one exactly the same but a shade darker is selling for £110 more. Try this with similar sale and non sale items by placing them next to each other.

11. Give shoppers an extra incentive - Things like free samples, extra discount for one day only or free shipping if their item is out of stock in store, all give your customers an extra incentive to buy.

12. Make your loyal customers feel special - If you have a following of loyal customers on social media, write to them about discounts or promotions so they are first to know. Invite them to your store for secret offers, you'd be surprised how many people this entices to your shop.


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