Spend every visit on what matters in retail — the customers, staff & store

The Review store visit app give structure, consistency and action. Get a fair view of each of your stores, with corrective action to avoid constant follow up and uncovering the same issues.

Retail Store Visit & Audit App Screenshot

Consistency in visits to bring performance into focus

Without structure, every visit is left to each person's own style, process and opinion.

This leads to frustrating, inconsistent store visits, missing the needs of the store, the staff and the customers.

With the Review store visit app, uncover the moments that matter and spend your time in-store building an environment that improves the customer experience, enhances the employee experience and supports growing sales.

Focused visits for each of your field and head office teams

Whilst consistency is important, it’s vital to ensure time spent in-store is focused on the expertise of the department and skills of the person visiting.

Assign the right questions for each team or store type, making sure every moment in-store is targeted, focused and consistent.

The Review store visit app lets you ask questions with photos, Yes/No, sliding vibe scales 0-100%, dropdowns, temperatures, distances, weights, capacities and KPIs. Every answer builds up a scored visit audit report.

Retail Store Visit & Audit App Task List

Action plans and coaching for continuous improvement

Each store visit or audit isn’t about scoring 100%, but having the frameworks in place to make sure corrective actions are taken.

With paper or spreadsheets, you can end up uncovering the same issue every visit or having to manually follow up.

The Review store visit app lets you set yourself and your retail store tasks “in the moment”, with deadlines, reporting and clear visibility across the team.

Retail Store Visit & Audit App Birds Eye Analytics

Find the positive and negative moments with a bird’s-eye view

Every store visit is important, but the true value comes when you can find issues that are consistently occurring in your retail estate. Our bird’s-eye view gives you a real-time snapshot of benchmarking and performance. 

With each store visit, everything is scored. You see the good, the bad, and the opportunities to increase customer service.

Drill down to the specific stores, teams or regions that need corrective action, all from your store visit app.

Improve clarity with image markup and annotations

When there’s no need to ask 100s of questions or write detailed notes to highlight the obvious, why would you?

Save time on every store visit or audit by capturing and annotating clear photos “in the moment”.

Each photo is timestamped and geotagged with the location where it was taken. Be confident you’ve got the evidence and insight from every store visit


Increase in sales


Insights effortlessly captured in 12m


Hours saved annually

“We have been able to increase conversion in key sales metrics and our store presentation and standards have never been higher”

— Ian V. Senior Operations Manager

❌ Before Review

  • There’s no structure in place, meaning every visit is different.

  • Rushing to find pen & paper or the latest spreadsheet leads to visits not being documented.

  • Completed visits get lost in filing cabinets, spreadsheets, conversations or emails.

  • There's no consistent standard between area managers and teams.

  • Nothing changes after a store visit with the same issues appearing over and over again.

✅ With Review

  • A clear framework is in place, driving consistency across all visits and team members.

  • Recording each store visit in real-time in app means no typing up your notes in the car park or on a train.

  • Bird’s-eye view and instant analytics give you visibility and insight across the store visits in your organisation.

  • Store visits are consistent between teams with structured templates and standards.

  • Assigned tasks and action plans to resolve issues and see meaningful progress without manual follow up.

  • App & web store visit app

    Say goodbye to paper or the rush to find a pen. Complete your store visits and audits in app on corporate or personal devices - iOS, Android and the web.

  • Photos & questions

    Every question in your visit report has optional or mandatory notes and photos. Split your visit into the sections of your stores.

  • Tasks & action plans

    Each employee has a dedicated tasklist, with due dates and timelines to close the loop. Continuous coaching and improvement.

  • Instant insight

    Review instantly updates, giving you a real-time bird’s-eye view across your team’s store visits. Quickly export to CSV and compare across your organisation.

  • No Wi-Fi needed

    The app seamlessly transitions into offline mode when no network is detected. So even when reporting in stock rooms or basements, you can continue working, ensuring uninterrupted productivity.

  • Single Sign-On

    With single sign-on, your employees can log in with their existing company account like Office 365 or Active Directory.

Your store visit app to spend time on what matters — your stores, staff and customers

  • Consistency in visits to bring the conversation into focus, spend precious time talking, learning and driving sales through your store visit app.

  • Action plans and coaching for continuous improvement and corrective action straight from the app.

  • Find the positive and negative moments across your stores with a bird’s-eye view.

Good presentation, consistent conversations and proper procedures increase productivity and service standards. Vital in driving performance.